Abraham Lincoln High School
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
to the Abraham Lincoln High School Webpage
Just For Lincoln Graduates
Lincoln High Alumni Website 
Mr. Charles H. Williams - Lincoln's First Principal
Site Contents
The Lincoln High Memorial
The Memorial has been moved to the Alumni Association Website.
Please Visit.
Dedicated To Lincoln Students Who Gave Their Lives In Defense Of Our Country.
Updated 01/24/08
Find names and e-mail addresses of friends and classmates. While you're there be sure to submit your E-Mail address for publication in the directory. Unlike Classmates.com you can email friends here for FREE!
Updated 03/02/08
Remember your days in elementary school? Several Lincoln Grads have submitted photos from Mayfair, Thomas Holme, Huey, Crispin, Forrest etc. Bring back some memories of the good old days.
Updated 12/14/07
Visit here to see yearbooks contributed by your classmates.
TWENTY FIVE yearooks now online.
Updated 07/03/07
Meet the folks from the Lincoln High Delphi Forum. Yes, there is a forum just for Lincoln High Students. It's a daily reunion online!!
Updated 06/04/05
A collection of photos showing what Lincoln Grads look like today.
Updated 11/14/07
Various photos contributed by your fellow classmates.
Updated 12/23/07
Photos provided by Stan Marks Class of June 1962.
Come see the pet photos submitted by several of our Lincoln Grads.
Updated 12/15/07
Updated 02/18/07
Class Reunion Photos
Updated 11/29/06
A group get together was held on October 5, 2002 in Souderton, Pa.
Members of the Lincoln High Delphi Forum participated. Here are a few photos of the event.
A followup get together on
October 4, 2003
Updated 07/10/06
Tell us who you think excelled in their sport.
Updated 12/31/07
Wish a classmate Happy Birthday!
Enter your birthday while you're there!
Updated 11/14/07
Leave a message for a friend or classmate. No registration, no hassle. Just click and enter!

Harry Bullard
Class of January 1962
This site is not affiliated with Abraham Lincoln High School,
the Lincoln Alumni Association or the Philadelphia School District
All pages have been placed here purely for entertainment and educational purposes only, without any commercial interest whatsoever or profit of any kind. No claims as to ownership to any of the images or content found on these pages are being made.
This webspace is provided free of charge by Tripod
Therefore I have no control of the advertising placed here.
This Site Is Dedicated To The Memory Of
Penny A. Taylor
Class Of June 1961
1944 - 1988
Abraham Lincoln High School - Phila.,Pa.